Foul language

How Foul Language Affects Us?

...even when we don’t realize it

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We’re constantly bombarded with graphic scenes, foul language, and crude remarks in the entertainment industry. How did this happen? Little by little, movie by movie we’ve unknowingly let poor etiquette and language infiltrate our lives. Imagine watching a new movie, you may notice a certain bad word at first but maybe next time when you hear that word or watch that same movie, you’ll be less shocked. And the third time, you may not even cringe. The fourth and fifth time you may not even notice. The longer it goes on, the easier it will become to insert it into your own vocabulary. Inadvertently or not.

It doesn’t take much to let our guard down. Oftentimes, we have the notion of, “well, there’s nothing I can do about it.” So we do nothing. It starts happening and keeps happening and before we know it, we aren’t shocked anymore. And, maybe the first bad word started with a D; but slowly, it turned into an F.

So the question is, if we begin to disregard crude language on the big screen, will it slowly seep into real life? Because, that’s how we learn what we learn, isn’t it? By watching each other. And if we’re constantly watching each other and continue to be fed word after word to where it all seems normal, it might become normal for us.

Garbage in, garbage out is actually a tech term that alludes to the fact that “a bad input will result in a bad output.” How true is that for language when it comes to our entertainment choices? Bad language in, bad language out. An article from Success Consciousness affirms that we need “to be careful of what goes into the subconscious mind". Words and thoughts that are repeated often get stronger by the repetitions, sink into the subconscious mind and affect the behavior, actions and reactions of the person involved.”

Knowing that might make you take a second look at what’s become “acceptable” in society and start to question what you can do to safeguard you and your family.

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